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Nurul Fathanah
Aim Abdulkarim
Kokom Komalasari


Pancasila and Civic Education  is an important subject in the education curriculum in Indonesia. This subject is not only  to provide an understanding of national and civic values, but also builds students' good character and prepares them become cultured, moral, and responsible citizens. In today's increasingly advanced digital era, the knowledge and skills possessed by civic education teachers in implementing an merdeka curriculum are very important. Civic education teachers need to master information and communication technology and be able to apply effective learning methods to form strong and resilient student characters in facing the challenges of the digital world. Strengthening the competence of civic education teachers through training and professional development can help teachers improve their ability to teach and motivate students to learn civic education better. Teachers can also utilize available digital resources to create an engaging and effective learning environment for students. In implementing the merdeka curriculum, civic education teachers need to pay attention to students' ability to develop critical, creative and innovative attitudes in solving problems faced in the real world. Teachers also need to develop students' skills in communication, cooperation, and critical thinking, so that students can become productive citizens and contribute positively to society. Strengthening the competence of civic education teachers needs to be done in several aspects, including mastery of learning materials, utilization of technology and information, development of social and emotional skills and project-based learning. By strengthening the competence of civic education teachers to building student character through the implementation of an merdeka curriculum in digital era, it is hoped that students can have better abilities to face future challenges and become competitive and responsible citizen.

Keywords: Civic education, Teachers Competence, Merdeka Curriculum, Digital Era, Student Character

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