Journal Serambi Engineering 2024-04-20T14:19:35+07:00 Muhammad Nizar Open Journal Systems <p>The journal Serambi Engineering (JSE) was published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh, with the first issue Vol. 1 No. August 1 - December 2016. Editorial receives of scientific article submissions from academics and practitioners either from Universitas Serambi Mekkah or external Universitas Serambi Mekkah. JSE has e-ISSN : <a href=";1470799720&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2528-3561</a> and p-ISSN : <a href=";1470799720&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2541-1934</a>. </p> Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Kekeruhan Berbasis Internet of Things Untuk Aplikasi Pada Proses Pengolahan Air Bersih 2024-03-29T10:32:54+07:00 Satriananda Ratna Sari Akmalul Fata Atthariq <p>Water treatment faces challenges in determining the correct coagulant dosage due to the slow and manual jar test method. It cannot respond quickly to changing natural conditions that affect raw water quality. If turbidity increases and coagulant dosing is based on outdated data, water quality suffers. Conversely, reduced turbidity at the same coagulant dose results in wasted money. To address this challenge, this research develops an IoT-based system solution for monitoring and controlling the system. Real-time sensors continuously monitor raw water conditions and transmit data to a microcontroller. The microcontroller in turn controls the coagulant pump via a relay. This innovative system provides a solution for water treatment plants to increase efficiency and adapt to dynamic environmental factors, ultimately improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of water treatment processes.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Satriananda, Ratna Sari, Akmalul Fata, Atthariq Application of Decision Support System and Business Intelligence Model for Identification and Determination of Stunting 2024-04-19T15:48:41+07:00 Salahuddin M.Reza Zulman Radhiyatammardhiyyah Nurmila Dewi <p>It is imperative to identify stunting in toddlers at an earlier stage in order to facilitate further treatment related to the health of toddlers, with the ultimate goal of improving the health status of toddlers. Stunting problems are not only related to health problems. The purpose of this study is to design and build DSS intelligence applications for the purpose of identifying stunting and determining stunting status in toddlers using Promethee models. It is anticipated that the DSS application will facilitate the early detection of stunting in toddlers and assist the Lhokseumawe City Health Office in determining the status of stunting in toddlers. The research methodology comprises a series of stages, commencing with a literature review and data collection, followed by the identification of the requirements for DSS applications, the design of the DSS application, the coding of the DSS application and the testing of the DSS applications. In this study, 27 test data (alternatives) were selected, each of which met six criteria. These criteria were age, weight, height, head circumference, speech style and behaviour. The results of the DSS system testing indicated that eight toddlers were identified as stunted, with net flow values between 0.54691588785047 and 0.65308411214953. Conversely, 19 children under five were classified as non-stunted, with net flow values below 0.5.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salahuddin, M.Reza Zulman, Radhiyatammardhiyyah, Nurmila Dewi Pengaruh Gradasi Pasir Terhadap Kekuatan Tekan dan Penyerapan Paving Blok Geopolimer 2024-03-27T19:57:23+07:00 Sandri L. Sengkey Geertje E. Kandiyoh Stefani S. Peginusa Dwars Soukotta <p>The quality of paving blocks is greatly influenced by many factors, one of which is sand as the constituent material. Sand has various types and different gradations based on grain size distribution. This difference in sand gradation is the focus of research to determine the effect of sand gradation on the compressive strength and absorption of geopolymer paving blocks made from fly ash. The geopolymer block paving mixture is made with a composition of 10M NaOH, a Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 2.5, an alkali activator/FA solution ratio of 0.4 and curing at ambient temperature. The test results show the influence of sand gradation on compressive strength and absorption. The highest compressive strength and lowest absorption values ​​were obtained in the Z3-BP and Z2-AB mixtures. There is a relationship between compressive strength and absorption. The smaller the paving absorption value, the greater the compressive strength.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sandri L. Sengkey, Geertje E. Kandiyoh, Stefani S. Peginusa, Dwars Soukotta Klasifikasi Tumor Payudara Pada Citra Ultrasonografi Menggunakan Multi-fitur Tekstur dan Support Vector Machine 2024-04-16T12:57:34+07:00 Rahmad Hidayat Huzaeni Mahdi M. Khadafi Muhammad Davi <p>Breast cancer is a prevalent type of cancer affecting women worldwide. Additionally, Globocan reported nearly 400,000 new cancer cases in Indonesia in 2020, with 16% being breast cancer. The Ministry of Health has prioritised breast cancer treatment due to the high number of cases. Early detection is a crucial factor in increasing patient life expectancy. Stage 1 breast cancer, for instance, has a 5-year life expectancy of 100%. Breast ultrasound or mammary ultrasound is a commonly used method to detect various breast problems, including cysts and tumors. It is a relatively easy procedure, and the necessary equipment is generally available at Health Facility 1. Texture features are extracted from breast ultrasound images using Gabor and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) techniques. The resulting feature vector is then selected and its dimensions reduced to simplify the computing process. This vector is then used to train an SVM classifier to distinguish between benign and malignant cases. The accuracy of the classifier is 0.67 (training) and 0.66 (validation). Meanwhile, the loss obtained during training was 0.77 and during validation was 0.84. Further improvement is required for the accuracy of the model to be applicable.</p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmad Hidayat, Huzaeni, Mahdi, M. Khadafi, Muhammad Davi Manfaat Ekonomi Dan Kredit Karbon Pabrik Gula Sistem Tertutup Berbasis LCA 2024-04-02T14:54:25+07:00 Gunawan Rudy Syahputra Ismaniar Isa Darmein Supardin <p>Sugar factories (PG) can contribute to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with the obligations of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Closed PG systems have the potential to minimise waste and reuse production residues, making them a sustainable solution for reducing environmental impacts and increasing economic benefits. This study models the yield and economic benefits of closed system PG using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The aim of this research is to analyse the economic benefits and carbon credits of closed-system sugar production using LCA. The research methodology is descriptive, involving the calculation of carbon credits based on the Kyoto and Paris Agreements. The LCA method is used to assess carbon emissions. The use of bagasse as cogeneration fuel produces an excess of 5 GWh/milling season of electricity, which can meet the electricity needs of 6944 households during the milling season or 3472 households per year. PG X produces 667.5 million liters of clean water during the milling season, which can meet the drinking water needs of 61,805 people throughout the year.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gunawan, Rudy Syahputra, Ismaniar Isa, Darmein, Supardin Analisis Indek Kegagalan Link Panjang Standar dan Modifikasi pada Struktur EBF 2024-03-29T11:23:17+07:00 Musbar Khairul Miswar Hanif Zulfikar <p>The rapid failure of long links in EBF structures occurs at the ends of the links due to the influence of the dominant moment. The use of long links is still very relevant due to the large space openings and meeting the AISC 341 requirements is very easy compared to other links. One of the efforts made to overcome this weakness is to increase the stiffness at the ends of the standard long links. The design of the perforated plate aims to reduce the influence of residual stresses due to wider welds and to control the critical variables. The control arm with the confirmation holes is called the modified control arm. The numerical test variables for the modified long link specimens were the plate thickness (ts) and the vertical distance from the flanges to the edge of the hole in the stiffener plate (Th). The research was carried out numerically to determine the criteria for the initiation of ductile fracture based on the performance indicators of the test specimens using the comparison of failure index and PEEQ index values. The results showed that the initiation of fracture in the flanges at the ends of the beam can be delayed by the addition of double-edged stiffener plates, this can be seen from the decrease in MRI and PEEQ index values in the critical zone of the modified long beam test specimen compared to the standard long beam.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Musbar, Khairul Miswar, Hanif, Zulfikar Desain dan Simulasi Kendali PID Kecepatan Motor Mesin Sentrifugasi 2024-04-20T14:19:35+07:00 Rahmawati Arief Mardiyanto Siti Amra Muhammad Kamal Jenne Syarif <p>Centrifugal machines perform centrifugation by rapidly spinning materials using a motor. This study aims to identify the optimal control parameters (kp, ki, kd) for maintaining the stability of centrifugal machine operations using PID control. The transfer function of the centrifugation motor was obtained using the System Identification Tool (SIT) in Matlab. The transfer function was obtained by measuring several variations in the input and output of the centrifuge machine motor. The PID parameters were determined using the Ziegler-Nichols method, resulting in the following values: kp=18, kd=12, ki=6.3. The performance of the PID control system was tested and the results were as expected: overshoot = 9%, rise time = 3.87 seconds, and steady-state error = 2%. The system identification approach successfully determined the PID parameters and control performance to meet the desired motor requirements.</p> 2024-04-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmawati, Arief Mardiyanto, Siti Amra, Muhammad Kamal, Jenne Syarif Kajian Potensi Genangan Dan Waktu Tiba Tsunami Di Kota Lhokseumawe 2024-03-27T22:54:43+07:00 Ibrahim Syarifah Keumala Intan Mirza Fahmi Zairipan Jaya Abdullah Irwansyah <p>Lhokseumawe was one of the towns affected by the 2004 tsunami. During the last tsunami, tsunami waves arrived last on the coast of Lhokseumawe compared to the western and northern coastal areas of Aceh. Therefore, this tsunami modelling study was conducted to determine the arrival time of tsunami waves on the coast of Lhokseumawe city and to determine the affected areas from the tsunami inundation map information. The method used is tsunami numerical modelling using the COMCOT (Cornell Multi Grid Coupled Tsunami Model) model. The earthquake source used to generate the tsunami is a 9.15 Mw earthquake of the magnitude of the 2004 earthquake, 8.0 Mw and 8.5 Mw earthquake scenarios. Bathymetric data were used to provide information on sea depth and topographic data to provide information on land elevation in the study area. Observation points were placed on the coast to record when the waves reached the coast. The maximum tsunami height occurred in Blang Mangat subdistrict with a tsunami height of 5 m and inundation distance of 1 km. The arrival time of the tsunami in Lhokseumawe town was 75-80 min after the earthquake. This information on tsunami height and arrival time can be used as preliminary information for tsunami mitigation planning and rapid response in the event of an earthquake with tsunami potential.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ibrahim, Syarifah Keumala Intan, Mirza Fahmi, Zairipan Jaya Turbin Angin menggunakan Pipa PVC sebagai Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik dan Pengusir Hama Burung Pipit 2024-04-18T14:39:26+07:00 Yaman Said Aiyub Subhan Taufik Nuraini <p>The paddy fields are generally large expanses of land that are free of wind barriers, away from human settlements and power sources. Sparrows are one of the most common pests, which usually attack paddy field in clusters. The researchers who use electronic equipment as controllers to produce output, sounds and electronic drives, use a power source from batteries. The wind turbine is one method of repelling sparrows and producing electricity, as the driving force for the sound-producing mechanical equipment, and the Nema17 motor as the generator for charging the battery. Paddy is grown seasonally so the wind turbine can be disassembled for use and for storage. Measurement of wind speed to determine blade length, with the help of Win &amp; Wet website, blade design, power relationship characteristics with wind speed and turbine rotation were created. The blade length of 60 cm can produce the power of 40 W, with using a pulley belt timing ratio of 1: 3 can increase the dc direct voltage, the lowest is 4.23 volts at a wind speed of 1.08 m / s and the highest voltage is 14.97 volts at a wind speed of 3.4 m/s, can be utilised for charging 3.7 volt Li ion batteries.</p> 2024-04-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yaman, Said Aiyub, Subhan, Taufik, Nuraini Pengontrolan Tandon Air Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Node MCU 8266 2024-04-16T12:39:36+07:00 Salahuddin Yusman Zamzami Bakhtiar Sayed Munazzar Muhammad Nasir <p>The control and monitoring of the water tank, located on the third floor of the building, continues to face problems related to the filling process and limited monitoring. Water continues to enter the tank unnoticed, resulting in energy wastage. This study aims to create a framework that can monitor the water level in the tank of a three-storey building using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The tank's water level monitoring system uses a JSN-SR04T ultrasonic sensor to collect water level data, with a Node MCU serving as the microcontroller. The system can monitor water levels from 0% to 100%. A reading of 0% indicates that the water is at its minimum level, while 100% indicates that the water tank has reached its maximum capacity. The system created can monitor excessive water consumption at each level using a flow meter sensor. The Virtuino application can stop the water flow by pressing the ON button, which activates the relay in the design model and stops the water flow at any desired level. The water pump will start to fill the reservoir until it reaches the desired level set by the user based on their needs.</p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salahuddin, Yusman, Zamzami, Bakhtiar, Sayed Munazzar, Muhammad Nasir Analisis Morfologi Partikel Mikrostruktur Geopolimer Abu Sekam Padi Menggunakan Pembakaran Dengan Alat Furnace Dan Pembakaran Secara Manual 2024-03-30T12:23:10+07:00 Cut Yusnar <p>The morphology of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) geopolymer microstructure particles obtained by using a kiln at a temperature of 700<sup>o</sup>C produces a grain shape that is different from the RHA material burned by hand. The shape of the microstructure particles for geopolymer concrete paste determines the strength of the geopolymer range. The research results show that the shape of the granules obtained by firing in a kiln has a crystalline shape. Meanwhile, the shape of the particles obtained by manual firing is amorphous. The results of compressive strength tests with amorphous particle structures have greater compressive strength than those in crystalline form. This is demonstrated by testing the RHA furnace material and manually using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) tests, which show that the granules obtained from furnace burning are crystalline and those obtained from manual burning are amorphous. Crystalline particles are more difficult to react with than amorphous particles in geopolymer concrete mixes. The XRD test results show the highest diffraction by the silica element. The chemical content of silica elements in rice husk ash was found to be 94.9%.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cut Yusnar