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The purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which digitization policies help primary school teachers improve access to education and keep up with digitization. The method used in this study is qualitative with a case study approach. The respondents to this survey were 16 teachers from four primary schools. The data was collected through in-depth interviews and documentation with them. The survey revealed that SDN teachers in Sawit Seberang district had first-hand experience with the two aspects of digitalization policy in education. The digitization of education policy communication on the one hand and the digitization of learning on the other in the first dimension, teachers experience faster access to educational policy measures. Teachers can better understand national education policies and follow direct instructions from the central government through available information channels. However, for the second aspect, teachers are unprepared in terms of content. Media savvy, but not using various software products to maximize learning. When related to the ideas of virtual readiness and virtual literacy, the primary college instructors in Sawit Seberang Langkat District who had been the respondents to this study best got here to the talent in the usage of computer systems and the net within the virtual literacy sheets, which they filled out as many as 57.1% said that they have the potential within the subject of IT to function computer systems. 21.4% said that they had been very talented; one individual changed into dubious; and human beings said that they had been no longer talented. Concerning the usage of the net as many as 42.9% of instructors claimed to be talented on this subject; however, 57.1% of respondents admitted that they had been dubious, approximately having the capacity to assume creatively, in addition to the fact that in virtual participation, 64,3% of respondents had been hesitant. With the Internet, everything is within reach, and without proper Internet learning, it is difficult for students and teachers in rural schools to have a direct and easy response.
Keywords: Gap, Digitization, Education, Elementary School