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Aam Nur Komariah
Annisa Purwani


This research is backgrounded by the low reading ability of grade II elementary school students, this is evident from the overall number with a percentage of 5% of some students in their reading ability is still relatively low, and teachers in institutions still apply the lecture method so that students tend to only listen. Some factors of grade II elementary school students cannot read it because the elementary school does not require students to take part in learning in kindergarten, so that children do not have the ability to read when they enter elementary school, and the lack of awareness from parents of students towards children's education in pre-school., The purpose of this devotion is to improve the reading ability of grade II students of SD Negri Cihanjawar. The research method  used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), the subject of this study is that  there are several grade II students of  SD Negri Cihanjawar totaling  7 students, 4 men and 3 women. The steps taken in this service are first to carry out observations  in the classroom by  means of student reading tests one by  one, secondly to carry out the program   by  introducing alphabet  letters for students  who do not know it followed by the  combination of  letters The results  of the  dedication that have been carried out show  bahwa: 1)  the ability to read the beginning of  grade II students of  SD Negri Cihanjawar, judging from writing syllables, in reading syllables students are quite able even though they  still need more guidance. 2) the ability to read connecting letters  is already  better, even though it  still has to be so  smooth. 3)  students'  reading ability does not have to be   spelled, even though  there are  still sentences that must be spelled.   Analysis of observational data carried out during learning  by applying the  Syllable  method has an increase in student learning outcomes.  Theimplementation of learning  using the   Syllable  method has been proven to improve students' reading skills.

Keywords: Accompaniment, reading beginnings, abilities

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