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The purpose of this study was to develop a basketball learning model design for children with autism spectrum disorders in elementary schools. The research approach used is research and development with the Borg and Gall models. Research participants were taken from special elementary schools in Subang, Purwakarta and Karawang districts consisting of students (n=122) and sports teachers (n=10). Data collection techniques were carried out in three ways, namely observation, interviews and tests. Data analysis techniques used expert and peer tests through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Meanwhile, to determine the level of effectiveness of the model using the Paired Sample t-test. The results of the model test produce a basketball game learning model for autistic students consisting of movements 1) passing the ball in the shape of the letters A, I, U, E, O, C, 2) dribbling using a distance pattern from 1-2.5 M, 3 ) short dribble, toss right and left, zig-zag movement, and 4) shoot the ball left, right and forward. While the results of the basketball game tests obtained t-count (to) 4.336 and t-table 2.021 with 40 degrees of freedom and CL = 0.05. Thus 4.336 > = 2.021 or Ho is rejected. Because Ho was rejected, the hypothesis put forward was that there were differences in the results of the final test applying the basketball skills design model to autistic children. The basketball game model is named "ABI". The results of the research have implications for different learning experiences, the model developed also provides responsibility, and social and trains courage for students, so the learning model developed is also effective in increasing affective and social abilities. Students' motivation to take part in learning also increases because this learning model is easy to practice and can involve all students to be active.