Jurnal Akselerasi Merdeka Belajar dalam Pengabdian Orientasi Masyarakat (AMPOEN): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen <h2 class="featurette-heading">AMPOEN (Akselerasi Merdeka Belajar dalam Pengabdian Orientasi Masyarakat)</h2> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>"</em><em>Berdaya melalui Abdi, Merdeka dalam Publikasi"</em></strong> sebagai platform bagi para pengabdi, peneliti, praktisi, dan akademisi untuk berbagi pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan hasil layanan yang berkontribusi terhadap pengembangan masyarakat di Indonesia. Berisi hasil-hasil kegiatan <strong>pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat</strong> berupa penerapan berbagai bidang ilmu diantaranya pendidikan, ekonomi, agama, teknik, pertanian, sosial humaniora, komputer dan kesehatan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris.</p> <p><strong><u>Jurnal AMPOEN</u></strong> diterbitkan selama 3 (<sup>tiga</sup>) kali dalam setahun (Juli, November dan Maret). Diterbitkan oleh Universitas Serambi Mekkah Aceh.</p> <p>Silahkan masukkan artikel anda dengan Klik <a title="Register jurnal AMPOEN" href="https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/user/register"><strong>REGISTER</strong></a> bagi yang belum pernah submit atau <strong><a title="Klik untuk Submit Artikel" href="https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/about/submissions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SUBMIT</a></strong> bagi yang sudah pernah dan/atau unduh <a title="Download Template Jurnal AMPOEN" href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10gnFogsQf4M9mrHOjXYr5ERRW0OvEbfb" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>ARTICLE TEMPLATE</strong></a> untuk menyesuaikan artikel anda dengan template jurnal.</p> UNIVERSITAS SERAMBI MEKKAH en-US Jurnal Akselerasi Merdeka Belajar dalam Pengabdian Orientasi Masyarakat (AMPOEN): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 3025-6267 SOSIALISASI BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI DIGITAL DENGAN TEMA PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP KORBAN BULLYING DAN SANGSI HUKUM BAGI PELAKU BULLYING DI SEKOLAH MI NURUL FALAH 2 https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2180 <p><em>Digital technology-based socialization with the theme of legal protection for bullying victims and legal sanctions for bullying perpetrators in schools is an important effort to increase awareness and understanding among students, teachers, and parents. This socialization was conducted at MI Nurul Falah 2 and aims to provide education on the legal rights of bullying victims and legal consequences for bullying perpetrators. The socialization used various digital platforms such as educational videos, webinars, and social media to reach a wider audience. The results of the socialization showed an increase in participants' knowledge and awareness of the issue of bullying, legal protection, and the importance of creating a safe and violence-free school environment. Digital technology-based education has proven effective in delivering complex legal information in a way that is easily understood by all.</em></p> Ade Fricticarani Mohamad Ali Gina Farida Rohenah Jaka Surya Jihan Lutfiah Rama Handito Copyright (c) 2024 Ade Fricticarani, Mohamad Ali, Gina Farida, Rohenah, Jaka Surya, Jihan Lutfiah, Rama Handito https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 2 2 626 633 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2180 PELATIHAN STRATEGI PEMASARAN DIGITAL DAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DIGITAL PADA UMKM SULTAN BAG https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2100 <p>Pengabdian pada UMKM Tas Anyaman Sultan Bag dilakukan sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk turut mendukung perkembangan UMKM khususnya dalam mengatasi permasalahan pencatatan keuangan dan pemasaran digital. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam beberapa metode diantaranya wawacara dan diskusi, pelatihan dan praktik pengelolaan keuangan, pemasaran digital dan tahapan akhir ialah pendampingan secara berkala. Hasil yang didapat peserta dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain dapat membantu tercapainya kesadaran bagi pelaku usaha rumah tangga akan pentingnya pembukuan keuangan sederhana melalui aplikasi e-kasir dan pemasaran produk usaha rumah tangga kerajinan tas anyaman melalui branding sosial media Tik tok, Instagram, Facebook, dan pembuatan video produk, serta tahapan pembuatan caption produk yang sesuai produk agar menarik daya beli masyarakat. Hasil pengabdian ini dapat terwujud karena peran serta dan partisipasi aktif dari mitra. Mitra diharapkan dapat senantiasa konsisten dalam melakukan pencatatan keuangan dan melakukan pemasaran digital secara aktif.</p> Lulus Triyaningsih Pitra Rahmad Priyadi Lutfiyana Rosida3 Muhamad Asvak Sahroni Muhammad Yusril Copyright (c) 2024 Lulus Triyaningsih, Pitra Rahmad Priyadi, Lutfiyana Rosida3, Muhamad Asvak Sahroni, Muhammad Yusril https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 2 2 510 516 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2100 ANALISIS SEMANTIK PUISI “AKU” KARYA CHAIRIL ANWAR https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2110 <p><em>Poetry is a form of literature that is appreciated by people of all ages because its messages or meanings are often complex and profound. This article aims to analyze by Chairil Anwar with a semantic approach. This qualitative descriptive research focuses on the lexical, grammatical, referential, and figurative meanings in the poem. Data were collected through literature review. The analysis results show that out of the eight stanzas of the poem, the semantic meaning is dominated by lexical meaning, indicating the use of words with meanings corresponding to the dictionary. Essentially, "Poem Aku" by Chairil Anwar is one of the literary works that depict the poet's subjective feelings and social unrest. In this poem, Chairil Anwar explores themes of self-existence, uncertainty, and rebellion against social norms. Through the use of distinctive and expressive language, he conveys his dissatisfaction and inner turmoil. This poem also reflects the spirit of renewal in Indonesian literature at that time.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Cicha Meinanda Meilan Arsanti Copyright (c) 2024 Cicha Meinanda, Meilan Arsanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 2 2 517 519 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2110 PENDAMPINGAN KELOMPOK PKK DALAM PENGOLAHAN KRIPIK RUMPUT LAUT CRISPY DI DESA SUKAJADI, KECAMATAN CARITA, KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2114 <p><em>Sukajadi Village, Carita Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, has great potential in the development of processed seaweed products. With the availability of abundant raw materials and high public interest in local processed products, the development of crispy seaweed chips can be one of the community's economic empowerment efforts. The PKK group as one of the active community organisations in the village has an important role in this effort. Through proper assistance, PKK groups can increase production capacity, produce quality products, and develop sustainable businesses. Objectives of Assistance Improving knowledge and skills Improving the PKK group's knowledge of seaweed processing techniques into quality crispy chips. Assist PKK groups to produce crispy seaweed chips with good flavour, crunchy texture, and attractive appearance.</em></p> Ita Rosita Wahyiah Diah Ayu Pratiwi Akbarudin Maulana Suprihatin Sam M Rendiyani Ina Ina Sabrina Dita Aulia Andi Sefriyandi Anggi Ratna Agustina Veranica Febrilla Vinoza Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Rosita Wahyiah, Diah Ayu Pratiwi, Akbarudin, Maulana Suprihatin Sam, M Rendiyani, Ina Ina Sabrina, Dita Aulia, Andi Sefriyandi, Anggi Ratna Agustina, Veranica Febrilla Vinoza https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 2 2 520 527 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2114 PELATIHAN STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DALAM MEMBANGUN BRAND IMAGE KLUB BULUTANGKIS FORTUNA GRESIK https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2117 <p><em>Marketing Communication Strategy Training in Building the Brand Image of the Fortuna Gresik Badminton Club. This activity was carried out to improve the potential and competence of the teachers and the Fortuna Gresik badminton club team in building a brand image as a professional club. Lecturers and students of the University of Gresik succeeded in providing marketing strategy training that was carried out so that coaches, and staff were able to build the brand image of the badminton club. In building the brand image of the Fortuna Gresik club, an integrated marketing communication strategy was used, including Interactive, Direct Marketing, Public Relations, Personal Selling and Advertising. From the use of an integrated marketing communication strategy, the badminton club was able to build a professional brand image well so that it attracted the people of Gresik.</em></p> Siti Umi Hanik Wahyu Ivana Dewi Ayu Nur’Aini Elisatussya’bania Ariel Teta Zulinar Pipit Dwi Anggraini Rifqi Wahyu Wardhana Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Umi Hanik, Wahyu Ivana, Dewi Ayu Nur’Aini, Elisatussya’bania, Ariel Teta Zulinar, Pipit Dwi Anggraini, Rifqi Wahyu Wardhana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 2 2 528 532 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2117 SOSIALISASI DAN PENYULUHAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT (PHBS) PADA SISWA DI SDN 2 KEDONDONG DAN MIS. MATHLA’UL ANWAR PESAWARAN KECAMATAN KEDONDONG KABUPATEN PESAWARAN https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2118 <h1>Penyuluhan hidup bersih dan sehat adalah salah satu program kerja mahasiswa kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu yang dirumuskan dan disampaikan dalam seminar program kerja dan direalisasikan dalam bentuk program kerja yang dijalankan dalam kegiatan kuliah kerja nyata. Sosialisasi dan Penyuluhan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada siswa-siswi untuk menjaga kesehatan diri dan lingkungan hidup sekitar. Sasaran kegaiatan ini adalah siswa-siswi di SDN 2 Kedondong dan MIS. Mathla’ul Anwar yang merupakan Sekolah Dasar yang ada di Desa Pesawaran Kecamatan Kedondong Kabupaten Pesawaran. Pemilihan siswa sebagai objek kegiatan dengan tujuan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat sejak dini, memperhatikan kebersihan diri serta lingkungan sehingga mereka terbiasa dengan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada hari sabtu 20 Juli 2024 dan jum’at 26 Juli 2024. Metode yang digunakan adalah diawali dengan observasi, sosialisasi perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat khususnya mencuci tangan, penyuluhan dan bimbingan cuci tangan yang baik dan benar. Penyuluhan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada siswa di SDN 2 Kedondong dan MIS. Mathla’ul Anwar sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa karena dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar. Sosialisasi dan penyuluhan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat perlu dilakukan berkesinambungan serta dikembangkan sehingga siswa dapat menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.</h1> Nur Hasanah Andika Rachmantisna Septiana Fatmawati Gita Lestari Dea Amelia Aida Revika Abelta Fetri Reghita Ayudia Pramesti Adelia Ctra Saputri Amalira Deaningtias Adelya Pramudita Adi Wijayanto Aditya Budi Septian Balya Alaziba Ainun Nikmatuzakiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Andika Rachmantisna, Septiana Fatmawati, Gita Lestari, Dea Amelia, Aida Revika, Abelta Fetri Reghita Ayudia Pramesti, Adelia Ctra Saputri, Amalira Deaningtias, Adelya Pramudita, Adi Wijayanto, Aditya Budi Septian, Balya Alaziba, Ainun Nikmatuzakiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 2 2 533 538 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2118 PENDAMPINGAN DESAIN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PACKAGING KERUPUK IKAN PINDANG DI DESA SUKAJADI KECAMATAN CARITA https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2130 <p><em>KKM UNIBA Group 63 provided assistance in the design and development of packaging for pindang fish crackers in Sukajadi Village, Carita District, Pandeglang Regency as part of efforts to empower the local community economy with a focus on increasing the added value of local products. Pindang fish crackers, as one of the leading products from the village, has a wide market potential, but the main challenge faced is the packaging design that is less attractive and not in accordance with modern marketing standards. This service aims to provide support in terms of packaging design and development of pindang fish crackers to increase market attractiveness and expand distribution reach. The methods used include packaging design needs analysis, packaging design training, and new packaging implementation. The training process involved understanding the design concept, selecting appropriate packaging materials, and printing techniques. The results of the mentoring showed that the new packaging design successfully increased the visual appeal of the product, clarified product information, and improved quality perception in the eyes of consumers. The newly designed packaging also provides better protection to the product during the distribution process. With the attractive and functional packaging, sales of pindang fish crackers have increased significantly, and the product has successfully entered a wider market both at the local and regional levels.</em></p> Ita Rosita Wahyiah Luis Fiska Rahayu Mohamad Ikrom Arasid Suherman Arifin M Rendiyani Cahya Tri Ichwana Ina Sabrina Halizah Destriana Dita Aulia Khaerul Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Rosita Wahyiah, Luis Fiska Rahayu, Mohamad Ikrom Arasid, Suherman Arifin, M Rendiyani, Cahya Tri Ichwana, Ina Sabrina, Halizah Destriana, Dita Aulia; Khaerul Arif https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 2 2 539 546 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2130 PENDAMPINGAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT DESA SUKAJADI KECAMATAN CARITA DALAM PENJUALAN KERUPUK IKAN PINDANG DI MARKETPLACE SHOPEE https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2131 <p><em>KKM UNIBA Group 63 conducted a mentoring program for the community of Sukajadi Village, Carita District, in selling pindang fish crackers on the Shopee marketplace to improve digital skills, expand market reach, and increase community income through online marketing. Sukajadi Village is famous for the production of quality pindang fish crackers, but the sales of these products are still limited to the local market due to lack of access and knowledge about digital marketing. The assistance was carried out through several stages, namely training on the use of the Shopee platform, creating a seller account, developing a digital marketing strategy, and optimizing product listings. The results of this mentoring showed a significant increase in the community's knowledge and skills regarding online sales. The community is able to create and manage an online store on Shopee, utilize the available features to increase product visibility, and organize effective promotional strategies. Sales of pindang fish crackers through Shopee increased significantly, as evidenced by the increase in the number of orders and revenue. In addition, the program also has a positive impact on the economic empowerment of the village community, with more community members involved in the production process and product sales.</em></p> Ita Rosita Wahyiah Endayani Endayani Malik Fatoni Wahyu Widodo M Rendiyani Achmad Nur Waris.P Aliatun Marhamah Aulia Nisa Andi Sefriyandi Ahmad Yudha Eka Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Rosita Wahyiah, Endayani Endayani, Malik Fatoni, Wahyu Widodo, M Rendiyani, Achmad Nur Waris.P, Aliatun Marhamah, Aulia Nisa, Andi Sefriyandi, Ahmad Yudha Eka Pratama https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 2 2 547 556 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2131 PROGRAM EDUKASI GIZI SEIMBANG DI SEKOLAH DASAR: STUDI KASUS PADA SDN 208 & 209 GRESIK https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2134 <p>Anak-anak di Indonesia terus menghadapi berbagai masalah gizi, termasuk gizi kurang dan gizi lebih. Studi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa sekolah dasar mengenai konsep gizi seimbang melalui program edukasi gizi di SDN 208 dan 209 Gresik. Program ini mencakup penyampaian materi gizi seimbang, praktikum "Isi Piringku" dan "Tumpeng Gizi", serta evaluasi melalui pre-test dan post-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan siswa sebesar 20% setelah mengikuti kegiatan edukasi, yang menunjukkan efektivitas dari intervensi yang diberikan. Edukasi ini diharapkan dapat membekali siswa dengan pengetahuan dasar mengenai gizi seimbang, yang akan berdampak positif pada kesehatan dan pola makan mereka di masa depan.</p> Fala Tania Lillah Aim Matuz Zahrotun Nafiah Agus Aan Adriansyah Yurike Septianingrum Copyright (c) 2024 Fala Tania Lillah, Aim Matuz Zahrotun Nafiah, Agus Aan Adriansyah, Yurike Septianingrum https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 2 2 557 563 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2134 SOSIALISASI DAN PENYULUHAN HUKUM BAHAYA NARKOBA DENGAN TEMA “MEWUJUDKAN GENERASI MUDA ANTI NARKOBA” DI SMA NEGERI 1 PADARINCANG https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2162 <p><em>Socialization and legal counseling activities with the theme "Realizing a Young Generation Against Drugs" were held at SMA Negeri 1 Padarincang. This activity aims to provide students with an understanding of the dangers of drugs and their negative impact on personal and community life. Through this socialization, it is hoped that students can be more familiar with the laws related to drugs, and increase their awareness of the importance of staying away from drug use. This activity also aims to shape students' attitudes and behaviors in order to become a resilient, responsible, and committed young generation to live a healthy life without drugs. Thus, it is hoped that this socialization can contribute to creating a drug-free school environment and preparing a young generation with integrity and legal awareness</em><em>.</em></p> Ambo Rasyid Ratulangi M. Nassir Agustiawan Eli Apud sae Abdul Muid Cindi Saputri Anneira Azzahra Zahra Sauzan Zanuba Qotrun Nada Nursinta Cristin Natalia Yeni Febriyanti Ardhi Julfadhli Gladisya Audita Azzahra Sartika Intan Nabila Azhar Yuyun Yunengsih Ferdy Setyawan Copyright (c) 2024 Ambo Rasyid Ratulangi, M. Nassir Agustiawan, Eli Apud sae, Abdul Muid, Cindi Saputri, Anneira Azzahra, Zahra Sauzan, Zanuba Qotrun Nada, Nursinta, Cristin Natalia, Yeni Febriyanti, Ardhi Julfadhli, Gladisya Audita Azzahra, Sartika, Intan Nabila Azhar, Yuyun Yunengsih, Ferdy Setyawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 2 2 564 572 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2162 PENYULUHAN HUKUM PERJANJIAN SEWA-MENYEWA BAGI UMKM DI DESA PAKUNCEN KECAMATAN BOJONEGARA KABUPATEN SERANG https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2159 <p>Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Pakuncen, Kecamatan Bojonegara, Kabupaten Serang, mengenai aspek hukum dalam perjanjian sewa-menyewa. Banyak pelaku UMKM di wilayah ini yang terlibat dalam aktivitas sewa-menyewa lahan, bangunan, atau peralatan untuk menjalankan usaha mereka. Namun, minimnya pengetahuan mengenai hak dan kewajiban yang diatur dalam perjanjian sewa-menyewa dapat menyebabkan terjadinya konflik atau kerugian di pihak UMKM. Penyuluhan ini memberikan informasi mengenai pentingnya perjanjian tertulis, unsur-unsur penting dalam perjanjian sewa-menyewa, serta cara menyelesaikan sengketa yang mungkin timbul. Selain itu, peserta juga diberikan contoh-contoh kasus dan solusi praktis yang dapat diimplementasikan dalam usaha mereka. Metode yang digunakan meliputi ceramah, diskusi, dan simulasi perjanjian. Hasil dari penyuluhan ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kesadaran hukum di kalangan pelaku UMKM tentang pentingnya perjanjian sewa-menyewa yang jelas dan sah. Diharapkan, pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari penyuluhan ini dapat membantu UMKM di Desa Pakuncen untuk menjalankan usaha mereka dengan lebih aman dan terhindar dari masalah hukum di masa depan.</p> Aris Setyanto Pramono Safiulloh Hadi Haerul Had Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Setyanto Pramono, Safiulloh, Hadi Haerul Had https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 2 2 573 577 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2159 PENDAMPINGAN INOVASI DALAM BUDIDAYA JAMUR: MENGOPTIMALKAN PRODUKSI DAN MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN PELAKU UMKM DI DESA LEBAK WANGI KECAMATAN WALANTAKA https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2167 <p><em>Innovation assistance in mushroom cultivation in Lebak Wangi Village aims to increase the productivity of mushroom farmers. Through the application of appropriate cultivation technology, such as the selection of superior varieties, optimal use of growing media, and effective pest and disease control, it is expected to increase yields and farmers' income. In addition, the assistance also includes business management training to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of local mushroom products. Innovation assistance in mushroom cultivation in Lebak Wangi Village prioritizes the principles of sustainability. Farmers are encouraged to implement environmentally friendly cultivation practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers and good waste management. In addition, the assistance also includes efforts to build strong and independent farmer groups.</em></p> Asnawi Nurhalifah Sayyidatunnisa Maddah Illahiah Dedeh Hunayah Suhartini Sahana Sri Windasari Rumdanah Julailah Enok Yayah Copyright (c) 2024 Asnawi, Nurhalifah, Sayyidatunnisa, Maddah Illahiah, Dedeh Hunayah, Suhartini, Sahana Sri Windasari, Rumdanah, Julailah, Enok Yayah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 2 2 578 586 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2167 SEMINAR HUKUM “SOSIALISASI PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN DAN KESADARAN TERKAIT JUDI ONLINE DAN PINJAMAN ONLINE DI WILAYAH KECAMATAN WALANTAKA” https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2168 <p><em>Bina Bangsa University (UNIBA) Group 1 Student Work Lecture (KKM) activities in Lebak Wangi Village, Walantaka District, were carried out with the aim of increasing public understanding and awareness of the dangers of online gambling and online loans. This legal seminar is designed as an educational effort to provide knowledge to the community regarding the legal aspects related to these two issues, as well as the negative impacts that can arise if involved in these illegal activities. The methods used in this seminar include the delivery of material by expert speakers in the field of law, interactive discussions, and question and answer sessions. The results of this activity are expected to increase public legal awareness, so that they are more careful in dealing with the temptation of online gambling and online loan offers that are often misleading and harmful. This activity is also expected to encourage the public to report illegal activities to the authorities if they encounter them.</em></p> Asnawi Ratu Septia Ningsih Salsabila Rahma Alia Alfa Ramadhan Muhammad Fathin Rizkillah Rina Wulansari Rosita Kusumasari Kamelia Anis Laudza Copyright (c) 2024 Asnawi, Ratu Septia Ningsih, Salsabila Rahma Alia, Alfa Ramadhan, Muhammad Fathin Rizkillah, Rina Wulansari, Rosita Kusumasari, Kamelia Anis Laudza https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 2 2 587 593 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2168 PELATIHAN ECOPRINT PADA TOTE BAG: SEBUAH IDE KREATIF DAN BERKELANJUTAN DI DESA LEBAK WANGI KECAMATAN WALANTAKA https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2169 <p>K<em>KM UNIBA Group 1 Lebak Wangi Village conducted ecoprint training activities on tote bags in Lebak Wangi Village, Walantaka Sub-district, a creative and sustainable initiative that aims to empower local communities, especially women, in developing new skills in the field of handicrafts. Ecoprint is a natural dyeing technique that utilizes organic materials such as leaves, flowers and twigs to create unique motifs on fabric. The training was designed to introduce the eco-friendly ecoprint method, as well as provide an economic alternative for the villagers through the production of tote bags that can be sold as local products. The results of this training showed that the participants were able to master the basic ecoprint techniques and produce tote bag products that have aesthetic and commercial value. In addition, this activity also encourages awareness of the importance of protecting the environment through the use of natural materials and production processes that minimize waste. Thus, the ecoprint training in Lebak Wangi Village is not only a means of developing skills, but also plays a role in efforts to preserve the environment and improve the economic welfare of the local community.</em></p> Asnawi Ratu Septia Ningsih Salsabila Rahma Alia Dadan Ramdan Sigit Auliana Farhan Maulana Ns Jammes Ifvochy Copyright (c) 2024 Asnawi, Ratu Septia Ningsih, Salsabila Rahma Alia, Dadan Ramdan, Sigit Auliana, Farhan Maulana Ns, Jammes Ifvochy https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 2 2 594 601 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2169 PERANCANGAN APLIKASI DETEKSI DINI PENYAKIT PADA AYAM MELALUI KOTORAN UNTUK MENJAGA POTENSI PETERNAKAN AYAM https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2174 <p><em>The poultry farming industry faces persistent challenges due to the rapid spread of diseases, leading to significant economic losses. This issue underscores the need for early disease detection tools. The goal of this community service project is to develop a mobile application that employs AI-driven computer vision to analyze chicken droppings, specifically targeting the detection of Coccidiosis, Newcastle Disease, and Salmonella, while also assessing overall chicken health. The project uses machine learning methods for image classification, integrating these into a user-friendly application accessible to farmers. The results of the project are measurable; the application achieved an accuracy rate of 96,67% based on the results of evaluating disease detection from the dataset. This outcome demonstrates the tool's potential to significantly improve poultry health management and reduce economic losses in the industry.</em></p> Haqqi Setiadjie Teuku Muharram Rizqullah Revi Gama Hatta Novika Copyright (c) 2024 Haqqi Setiadjie, Teuku Muharram Rizqullah, Revi Gama Hatta Novika https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 2 2 602 610 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2174 PELATIHAN PENGELOLAAN SDM DI ERA DIGITAL PADA UMKM https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2175 <p>Pelatihan pengelolaan SDM di era digital bertujuan untuk membantu UMKM mengadopsi teknologi digital dalam operasional SDM mereka. Pelatihan ini mencakup penggunaan software HR, rekrutmen online, pelatihan karyawan melalui e-learning, dan manajemen kinerja berbasis data. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam efisiensi dan produktivitas, namun beberapa tantangan seperti keterbatasan teknologi dan resistensi karyawan memerlukan penanganan lebih lanjut. Pendekatan blended learning dan program mentorship terbukti efektif dalam mendukung transformasi digital ini. Kesuksesan transformasi ini sangat penting bagi daya saing UMKM di era digital.</p> Leonardo Indra Vitaharsa Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Indra Vitaharsa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 2 2 611 615 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2175 PENGUATAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH BAGI GURU MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH NEGERI 6 SRAGEN https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2176 <p><em>This community service aimed to enhance the ability of teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 6 Sragen in writing and publishing scientific works. The method used was a workshop combining theory and practice, covering the importance of publication, scientific writing techniques, and the process of submitting to academic journals. The results showed a significant improvement in participants' understanding and skills, with 61.8% stating they fully understood the importance of scientific publication and 70.6% rating the workshop material as highly effective. 73.5% of participants felt greatly assisted in understanding the publication submission process. The implications of this activity include the potential increase in the quantity and quality of scientific publications from madrasah teachers, which can contribute to the development of Islamic education and enhance the institution's academic reputation. However, 44.1% of participants still require further practice, indicating the need for ongoing mentoring programs. This activity successfully catalyzed the building of an academic culture within the madrasah environment and strengthened the scientific tradition in Islamic education.</em></p> Ngatmin Abbas Andi Setiawan Riska Agustin Sari Fani Rahma Copyright (c) 2024 Ngatmin Abbas, Andi Setiawan, Riska Agustin, Sari Fani Rahma https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 2 2 616 625 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2176 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN DESA HANUA PULANG PISAU KALIMANTAN TENGAH https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2183 <p><em>Regular Thematic Community Service (KKN-T) Period I in 2024 was held in Hanua Village, Banama Tingang District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan, with the main objective of improving community welfare through the application of science by students of Palangka Raya University. This KKN program carries the theme "UPR Contributes, Village Innovates" and includes various activities, including increasing literacy, preventing stunting, empowering MSMEs, and environmental management. The implementation of KKN in Hanua Village, which is a lowland area with an economy based on agriculture and mining, lasted for 43 effective days. The main activities carried out, such as the "Environmentally Caring Village" and "Yard Land Utilization" programs, succeeded in increasing public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and utilizing resources optimally. In addition, supporting activities, such as "Literacy Village" and "Stunting-Free Village," contributed to improving the quality of education and public health.&nbsp; The results of the activities showed an increase in community participation in various programs, increased awareness of the importance of the environment, and strengthened social relations among residents. This program also succeeded in bringing positive changes to the Hanua Village community and providing valuable experience for students. Suggestions resulting from this activity include increasing women's participation in village government, sustainability of programs that have been implemented, further collaboration with related agencies, continuous evaluation and monitoring, and development of village facilities and infrastructure</em><em>.</em></p> Abdul Halim Helda Rahayu Clara Anastasia S. Devita Ika Susanti Grace Maharani N. Noperi Dio Resty Priskila Riko Rizal Prima Sitepu Sarina Nurhani Yorick Bellamy D. Yusnia Wulan Dewi P.K. Zefanya Juanabel R. Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Halim, Helda Rahayu, Clara Anastasia S., Devita Ika Susanti, Grace Maharani N., Noperi Dio, Resty Priskila, Riko, Rizal Prima Sitepu, Sarina Nurhani, Yorick Bellamy D., Yusnia, Wulan Dewi P.K., Zefanya Juanabel R. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 2 2 634 642 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2183 PENYULUHAN PENCEGAHAN CYBER CRIME BAGI PENGGUNA MEDIA SOSIAL DI DESA SUKAJADI KECAMATAN CARITA https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2189 <p><em>The cyber crime prevention counseling for social media users in Sukajadi Village, Carita Subdistrict, aims to increase community awareness and knowledge about the threat of cyber crime and ways to protect themselves when using social media. Given the increasing use of social media among the village community, especially among teenagers and youth, the risk of being exposed to cyber crime attacks such as online fraud, account hacking, and spreading false information is higher. This extension program was implemented through a series of activities such as seminars, group discussions, and case simulations involving various layers of society, including youth, parents, and village officials. The results showed a significant increase in the community's understanding of the types of cybercrime and preventive measures that can be taken to avoid them. More than 80% of participants were able to identify signs of online fraud and take preventive measures such as setting account privacy and using strong passwords. In addition, the counseling also succeeded in building collective awareness on the importance of maintaining ethics in interacting on social media and reporting suspicious actions to the authorities.</em></p> Ita Rosita Wahyiah Luis Fiska Rahayu Mohammad Ikrom Arasid Putri Handayani M. Rendiyani Achmad Nur Waris Aliatun Marhamah Aulia Nisa Andi Sefriyandi Ahmad Yudha Eka Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Rosita Wahyiah, Luis Fiska Rahayu, Mohammad Ikrom Arasid, Putri Handayani, M. Rendiyani, Achmad Nur Waris, Aliatun Marhamah, Aulia Nisa, Andi Sefriyandi, Ahmad Yudha Eka Pratama https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 2 2 645 650 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2189 PROMOSI PRODUK DI MEDSOS MELALUI BEKAL DESAIN MARKETING ONLINE https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2215 <p><em>Along with the development of digital technology, social media has become an effective platform for promoting products and services. This KKN aims to empower the community in Tanjungan village to be able to utilize the potential of social media in marketing local products. By providing online marketing design training, it is hoped that people can increase the selling value of their products and open up wider market opportunities. It is hoped that this activity can contribute to increasing sales and growth of UMKM in the region.</em></p> Rizki Nurmalya Kardina Lono Wijayanti Nurul Abidatun Mu’awanah Ilmi Chaiyun Nafiah Muhammad As’ad Awalludin Ahmad Yudha Eka Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Nurmalya Kardina, Lono Wijayanti, Nurul Abidatun Mu’awanah, Ilmi Chaiyun Nafiah, Muhammad As’ad Awalludin, Ahmad Yudha Eka Pratama https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 2 2 651 655 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2215 TANAMAN BIOFARMAKA DI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH SMP PGRI BATURRADEN KABUPATEN BANYUMAS SEBAGAI UPAYA PELESTARIAN KEARIFAN LOKAL https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2221 <p><em>Biopharmaceutical plants are kinds of horticultural plants that are used as medicinal ingredients, spices, cooking spices and natural base ingredients in cosmetics. Other terms for bio-pharmaceutical plants are medicinal plants, live pharmacies, and TOGA. The importance of applying local wisdom about biofarmaceutical plants to students as an effort to preserve the learning environment in schools can be more meaningful if the application and experience of biofarm plants is practiced in the practical life of everyday life. The aim is to acquire student understanding of the type of biopharmaceutical plant by knowing its types and can analyze the conditions and efforts of maintenance of bio-farm plant as a local knowledge. The methods used in this research are surveys, campaigns, questionnaires, and school citizens' interviews around the knowledge of bio-pharmaceutical plants. With results as much as 60% of PGRI Baturraden high school students already know about bio-pharmaceutical plants.The bio-pharmaceutical plants planted in Baturraden are aloe vera, ginger, red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum), dlingo (Acorus calamus), turmeric (Curcuma longa), celery (Apium graveolens), and spruce. (Kaempferia galanga).Maintenance efforts for bio-pharmaceutical plants are carried out through the stages of inserting material, sorting, education, plant layout arrangement, watering, and fertilization. The condition of bio-pharmaceutical plants prior to maintenance indicates that some plants are poorlyined, but after the maintenance efforts of untreated biopharmaceuticals have been reduced.</em></p> Anisa Indriani Nur Laila Rahayu Muhammad Falah Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Indriani, Nur Laila Rahayu, Muhammad Falah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-08 2024-09-08 2 2 656 665 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2221 PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH ORGANIK RUMAH TANGGA DALAM PEMBUATAN KOMPOS UNTUK MENGURANGI DAMPAK PENCEMARAN https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2222 <p><em>This community service program was implemented in Pekan Kamis Village with the aim of reducing household waste by making compost from kitchen waste. The village faces challenges in household waste management, which is often simply thrown away without further processing. To overcome this problem, training, and mentoring were provided to the mothers in Pekan Kamis Village participants so that they are skilled in making sustainable compost fertilizers. The methods used in this activity were socialization and training. The socialization aimed to provide a basic understanding of the importance of processing waste into useful products, while the training focused on compost making techniques, starting from the collection of organic materials, fermentation, to harvesting the compost. The results of this program showed an increase in residents' understanding and skills regarding composting, as well as a decrease in the volume of household waste. In addition, this activity increases residents' awareness of environmentally friendly waste management and provides economic benefits through the use of compost for agricultural purposes. Thus, this activity supports household waste reduction efforts and contributes to the environmental and economic welfare of the village community.</em></p> Sani Dermawan Nadhila Ananda Zuhdi Risna Khalidah Hasibuan Mesy Rahma Anjani Tandang Prayoga Aura Destia Putri Shifa Najwa Nur Ayuni Devia Wani Maryati Amelia Yulita Copyright (c) 2024 Sani Dermawan, Nadhila Ananda Zuhdi, Risna Khalidah Hasibuan, Mesy Rahma Anjani, Tandang Prayoga, Aura Destia Putri, Shifa Najwa, Nur Ayuni Devia Wani, Maryati, Amelia Yulita https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-10 2024-09-10 2 2 666 671 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2222 PENDAMPINGAN PENINGKATAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN UMKM PARIWISATA DI DESA SUKAJADI KECAMATAN CARITA STRATEGI PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI LOKAL MELALUI INOVASI DAN DIGITALISASI https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2223 <p><em>This service focuses on improving and developing tourism Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Sukajadi Village, Carita District. The main objective is to formulate a strategy for local economic empowerment through innovation and digitalisation. The method used includes a qualitative approach with data collection through interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results of the service show that MSMEs in Sukajadi Village have great potential to develop, but still face various obstacles such as lack of access to technology, limited capital, and lack of knowledge about digital marketing. Therefore, the proposed empowerment strategy includes information technology training, increased access to business capital, and digital marketing capacity building. The implementation of this strategy is expected to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs, expand market reach, and ultimately improve the economic welfare of local communities. Innovation and digitalisation are key in strengthening MSMEs and making Sukajadi Village a more attractive and competitive tourist destination.</em></p> Ita Rosita Wahyiah Eli Apud Saepudin M Rendiyani Ina Sabrina Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Rosita Wahyiah, Eli Apud Saepudin, M Rendiyani, Ina Sabrina https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 2 2 672 678 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2223 EXPLORING COFFEE SHOP AND SHARING GENERATION Z COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCES IN SOUTH JAKARTA ON TIKTOK https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2234 <p><em>The existence of coffee shops and cafes has become a symbol that represents the lifestyle of young people. The younger generation uses coffee shops for various purposes, including studying with friends, hanging out, and doing works. The experience of visiting a coffee shop has now become an interesting topic to share on social media. This research aims to determine the because of motive and the in order to motive in exploring coffee shops and sharing communication experiences in the style of generation Z in South Jakarta on TikTok social media. The type of research used is qualitative with phenomenological methods to explore phenomena experienced by individuals holistically. Data collection was carried out through observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The research results found that because of motive, Generation Z enjoys visiting coffee shops not only because of their love of coffee, but also because of various other factors that make coffee shops a multifunctional place in their daily lives. In order to motive for sharing experiences at coffee shops via social media TikTok could be because individuals want to express their love for coffee, or share experiences, and provide recommendations to their followers. Further research can be carried out using quantitative methods to complement existing research.</em></p> Muhammad Rizky Pambudi Imaddudin Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rizky Pambudi, Imaddudin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 2 2 679 685 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2234 THE INVOLVEMENT OF TELAGA BATIK UMKM IN PROMOTIONAL COMMUNICATION IN BEKASI REGENCY https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2232 <p><em>The tourism industry has significant potential to drive economic and social advancement, with UMKM Telaga Batik in Cikarang Barat, Bekasi Regency, serving as an active example of supporting this sector through its unique regional Batik products. This study aims to understand the involvement of UMKM Telaga Batik in promotional communication in Bekasi Regency, using a descriptive qualitative method through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that Telaga Batik has successfully shifted its promotion strategy from traditional media such as television and radio to digital media, especially through social media platforms like Instagram. Collaboration with television stations and government support through offline and online promotions has also increased the visibility of Telaga Batik to the public. Active involvement in the local community and government support are key factors in strengthening consumer loyalty and the positive image of Telaga Batik. Effective promotional strategies, such as discounts, social media usage, and participation in UMKM exhibitions, have proven effective in raising public awareness of Telaga Batik products. Telaga Batik not only produces local products but also serves as a promotional agent and bearer of Bekasi Regency's cultural identity. Additionally, good relationships with local communities such as Paguyuban Abang Mpok Bekasi Regency help strengthen the relationship between UMKM and the local community, which in turn supports business success.</em></p> Arisza Eltian Asfahami Imaddudin Copyright (c) 2024 Arisza Eltian Asfahami, Imaddudin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 2 2 686 696 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2232 PGENERATION Z COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCE AT MOJA TOURIST DESTINATION https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2233 <p><em>As a thematic tourist attraction, MoJa presents a unique concept to create a different experience for visitors. Visitor experience is the main source of visitor confidence to visit again or recommend the tourist attraction to other people. This research aims to identify because of motive and in order to motive in Generation Z's communication experience at the MoJa Tourism Destination. The phenomenological qualitative research method was chosen to understand the research situation in more detail. Research data was collected through observations, documents and semistructured and open-ended interviews regarding the communication experiences of Generation Z visitors at the MoJa tourist destination. Based on the results of interviews with informants, it was found that the motives that influenced Generation Z's communication experience in visiting MoJa were a unique and different experience, social attraction, easy accessibility and the influence of social media. Meanwhile, in order to motive, the goal of Generation Z's communication experience for visiting MoJa is because they want to visit MoJa to enjoy time with the people closest to them, such as a partner to date and spend vacation time with friends. MoJa can continue to innovate by holding events that allow visitors to interact with each other, increase accessibility, and add facilities that are unique and attract the interest of Generation Z.</em></p> Fina Priyansa Utami Imaddudin Copyright (c) 2024 Fina Priyansa Utami, Imaddudin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 2 2 697 701 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2233 PENDAMPINGAN PEMBELAJARAN MELALUI PROGRAM KAMPUS MENGAJAR DI UPTD SMP NEGERI 5 BARRU https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2236 <p>Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka merupakan sebuah kebijakan baru dari pemerintah dalam akselerasi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Kebijakan ini bertujuan memberikan keleluasaan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar diluar program studi dan/atau diluar kampusnya. Hal ini juga dirancang untuk mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri dan masyarakat, serta meningkatkan daya saing lulusan. Salah satu program yang dimiliki oleh MBKM ini adalah kampus mengajar, kampus mengajar angkatan 7 ini tetap berfokus dalam peningkatan kemampuan literasi dan numerasi, adaptasi teknologi serta bantuan dalam administrasi sekolah. Salah satu sekolah penempatan kampus mengajar angkatan 7 adalah UPTD SMP Negeri 5 Barru, melalui kolaborasi antara mahasiswa, guru pamong dan beberapa guru mata pelajaran yang berfokus pada pembelajaran literasi dan numerasi, mahasiswa berkreasi dalam memberikan metode pembelajaran yang menarik dan inovatif, adaptasi teknologi serta pembenahan perpustakaan. Pelaksanaan program Pendampingan Pembelajaran kampus mengajar angkatan 7 di UPTD SMP Negeri 5 Barru telah selesai dilaksanakan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan Program ini memberikan banyak dampak positif bukan hanya pada siswa yang menjadi sasaran kegiatan, tapi juga pada mahasiswa yang bertugas di sekolah penugasan, dan bahkan guru yang berkolaborasi. Melalui program ini, guru terbantu dalam hal pelaksanaan mengajar di kelas dengan berbagai inovasi media pembelajaran, kemudian mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman mengajar secara langsung dengan menghadapi berbagai karakter siswa di setiap kelas.</p> Muhammad Amran Latri Aras Ahmad Syawaluddin Muh Irfan Kamaruddin Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Amran, Latri Aras, Ahmad Syawaluddin, Muh Irfan, Kamaruddin Hasan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-21 2024-09-21 2 2 700 707 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2236 PENDAMPINGAN BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI ONLINE SINGLE SUBMISSION (OSS) DALAM PEMBUATAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI NIB UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENGEMBANGAN UMKM DI KELURAHAN CIGOONG https://jurnal.serambimekkah.ac.id/index.php/ampoen/article/view/2241 <p><em>MSME players in Cigoong Village do not fully understand the importance of NIB. This can be caused by various reasons such as lack of literacy and lack of digital skills. To increase awareness of the importance of business legality, it is necessary to support business actors in Cigoong Village to make NIB. KKM 04 created a program related to the socialization and facilitation of making NIB. With NIB, it is expected that MSME players can gain easier access to various forms of support from the government and financial institutions. The method in this research is a participatory method in which the process involves the community. And in this approach involved 2 MSMEs that did not yet have NIB. Activities were carried out on August 26 - August 30, 2024, including socialization and facilitation of making NIB in Cigoong Village. The results showed an increase in awareness of MSME actors about how meaningful NIB is and assist in making NIB through the OSS system for business development and legal protection.</em></p> Ratu Nihayah Nur Azizah Zepanya Manurung Vidya Ayuningtyas Gigin Ginanjar Yurytia Aisyah Veratiana Setyawati Desi Pratiwi Nanda Puspita Hadi Mariyatul Kiptiah Copyright (c) 2024 Ratu Nihayah Nur Azizah, Zepanya Manurung, Vidya Ayuningtyas, Gigin Ginanjar , Yurytia Aisyah , Veratiana Setyawati, Desi Pratiwi, Nanda Puspita Hadi, Mariyatul Kiptiah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-22 2024-09-22 2 2 708 713 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2241